Let’s Chat!

I’m excited to hear all about your session ideas!
Let’s make some beautiful memories, together!
I’ll follow up asap!

My sessions are available out and about with all the beautiful backdrops and styles our amazing city of Rochester has to offer, and all the surrounding towns and villages too!
I’ve been a professional photographer working on locations for over 20 years…
describe something, and I know where to take us.

Not sure? I know what to recommend!
Planning is part of everything I do too so definitely share your ideas!
You are also welcome to a warm and cozy session in a studio environment, just us!
It’s totally up to you.

Did you know I have a WARDROBE of fun and festive clothing, accessories, and shoes too.
Styling you so you’re comfortable and feeling amazing is my specialty!

And have you seen and heard about my giant black angel wings…
put those on and you’ll feel strong and fierce!

Let’s create something beautiful for you….together!